A Global Virtual Church for Building Empowered Christians. 

RULE Your Life With Christ.

Welcome to ChristiansRULE.com

You have believed . . . now be Empowered.

Acts 19:2 - “…have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?” 

It’s a beautiful thing when someone comes to a knowledge of Jesus Christ and truly repents, desiring to follow after Him. At this point, the Holy Spirit starts to work on the “outside” of that person’s life. But, God also wants that person to seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit - for His power to permanently indwell them, completing their born again experience. Then, when that person “listens to” and uses the power the Holy Spirit gives them, the wonders and miracles they read about in the Word of God fully come alive, and they can look foward to joining Jesus in the Kingdom of God when He returns!

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Connect with our global prayer group on WhatsApp, every Thursday at 8 pm EST, USA. Contact us for details.

You’re also welcome to join us for our monthly “Prayer & Fast.” Just let us know and we’ll be in touch!

Reach us at:
info@christiansrule.com or +1-689-220-3232


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